Ice Age
According to Mirabell, we'll be doing our play in the cafeteria. Apparently there's going to be some great health-related assembly the day we're supposed to perform for our fellow students, so we'll be declaiming Shakespeare to the sound of a thousand chip bags popping. I hate this stupid school. At least we won't have to go to the stupid assembly.
I don't know what it is about the play, but two nights ago we had Duncan-confusion and then yesterday we had no Duncans at all. Mirabell got a phonecall about one of them, I think it's the fake one, so now we have to find a new king. The porter's pretty bad too, since he can't talk very loud and refuses on religious grounds to act like he's drunk. This is all so stupid.
I don't know what it is about the play, but two nights ago we had Duncan-confusion and then yesterday we had no Duncans at all. Mirabell got a phonecall about one of them, I think it's the fake one, so now we have to find a new king. The porter's pretty bad too, since he can't talk very loud and refuses on religious grounds to act like he's drunk. This is all so stupid.
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