Monday, December 04, 2006

Time's tide, etc.

Another ghastly weekend, and now a horrid week.
Actually, the weekend wasn't all bad. I went to Toronto with my mother on Saturday; she went shopping and I did research for my English and history essays at Metro Ref. Of course, my mother drove me to Toronto since she was kind of sorry about Friday night. The Hendersons had their Christmas party, and I had to go with my parents. (Charles Wallace was off at the Three Kronen helping Arne with the karaoke, filling in for me.) My parents get a sadistic kick out of having me wear things my grandmother sends me: my grandmother is responsible for the pink Hello Kitty sweatsuit I have, for example. For the Christmas party my parents "suggested" that I wear the holiday dress my grandmother got me at Thanksgiving. When I actually had it on, they appeared to reconsider: when I went to get my coat my father said, "Emily, she looks like a depressive tree."
"I know, Don. She'll change." But we didn't have time. I arrived at the Hendersons with my parents and tried to keep my coat on as long as possible. Unfortunately Zapata's father took it for me and I didn't have anywhere to hide. Jeremy Jones was there DJing. Duncan was supposed to have gone with us but he forgot, or something, so the only people roughly my age there were Zapata (whose boyfriend "forgot" to show up too) and Jeremy, and since Jeremy was working I couldn't talk to him much. Zapata and I stuck to the kitchen, since most of her parents' friends were more into drinking and complaining about work and wouldn't notice if we drank the cheaper sparkling wines there. Zapata asked about my dress.
"I don't want to talk about it," I said. "I'm in the mood for a Patrick Swayze Christmas right now."
"That bad?"
"Yes. Duncan's forgotten about this party, and he's probably off with April somewhere. I so want to be finished with high school and be in university so I can be miserable around people I don't know."
My parents and I left the party around midnight, and it looked like some of the other guests were just warming up. My parents looked a bit guilty about my dress, and my mother suprised me when we got to the house by saying she'd take me to Toronto the next day so I could get some decent research done for my essays.


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