Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My plenteous joys

It's been a long day. To start with, Blake barfed and I stepped in it on my way down to feed him. I guess he's finally losing his winter coat, or whatever bits of it he hasn't left on me. All of my teachers are fitting tests into this week since it's a short one. I've finally gotten fully used to having red hair, but my history teacher marked me absent because of it.
Drama club was different. Mirabell's really getting odd, now his hate-on for this Michael Patterson person is out in the open. He's setting more and more notes for the cast, and has given Jeremy (that's his name: Dirne corrected me yesterday) a binder of sound and light cues. Now Mirabell wants musicians: he said that if had known then what he knew now, Duncan would be backstage with his bass. Duncan volunteered his friend April to play, but I'm not sure if April would go for it. Mirabell isn't clear on what he wants the musicians to do, besides provide "sound." It's Jeremy's job to provide the fury, and unless Macbeth starts to improve his line readings he's signifying nothing.
In Act II I had my cue to put blood on Duncan before he got pulled back onstage. He was lying so peacefully that I couldn't help myself. He looked so perfect, just lying there, so I kissed him, He was surprised but he got into it too, and we got lost. Next thing I knew Mirabell was yelling, "Has Duncan got the blood all over him?" and Donalbain said, "No, he's got Lady Macbeth all over him." We separated before Mirabell could yell more. I think I'm falling for him, even though he's so nice and normal and my parents know him.


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