Friday, April 21, 2006


Even though Mirabell hasn't told us when we're actually supposed to be doing this damn play, it seems like we're getting closer to putting on this show. We ran through the whole thing today (and we don't normally have drama club on Fridays) and then Mirabell took notes on what April played and what he thought Jeremy should light. He also kept stopping the rehearsal for the smallest things. He kept telling Duncan he was still breathing (when he was dead, and it was Mirabell's own fault Duncan was dead on stage), harassed Macduff for the way he carried Macbeth's head (rotten cabbage), and re-arranged the branches of Birnam Wood. At the end of the rehearsal, Mirabell announced that he had some new blood. We thought he meant new actors. He meant he had new blood, and he brought in the inventor of the new blood.
"I saw him at the Valhalla this Monday, and was astounded by what he did with artificial body fluids. This is Arne Larson, cast and crew, and he'll be providing you with your blood for the production." Arne looked a bit lost, for once. Duncan looked really unhappy, since he already knew what the blood smelt like (and he'd have to wear a lot of it). Mirabell then started giving Jeremy more notes, and Duncan and I took Arne out. Arne had the car, and we went to the convenience store at Mayes Motors. Arne said he needed coffee, and it was the closest place. When we went in, Dante said, "I'm not even supposed to be here today," and Duncan and I went to the coffee machines. The crazy dentist was there, talking to a guy with a suspicious moustache. Arne was looking at the cars over on the lot nearby.
"Whoa. If I owned that car, I'd be looking for the biggest paper bag possible. Woof!" Arne said. He was pointing at a bloated station wagon with a spoiler. The guy with the moustache turned around.
"That's a 2007 Crevasse Wagon, you know. Top of the line." Arne got a bag of corn-nuts. Duncan took me into the Hostess products aisle and told me that that the moustached man was Anthony Caine.
"The other accountant?" I asked. I knew all about him, or at least the accounting part. Duncan said yes, and started to pull Arne to the cash register. I picked up some mints and we left, leaving Dante to complain about Mr. Caine not paying for the coffee the dentist drank.


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